KenEx Supporting Growth in the Thames Estuary

thames estuary growth

16th July Tuesday 14:00

Eastgate, 141 Springhead Parkway , Northfleet, DA11 8AD.

On 16 July, Kent County Council and London Borough of Bexley jointly hosted a conference entitled “Generating Good Growth in the Thames Estuary”.  This provided an opportunity for businesses (like KenEx) and community leaders from across the Estuary to hear more about the Government’s response to the Commission’s report. The conference was addressed by the Secretary of State Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, and also heard updates on some key pieces of work including the Thames Estuary Production Corridor. 

You can review the Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP presentation here

Kent County Council Video

Generating growth in the Thames Estuary – July 2019 from Kent County Council on Vimeo.

The KenEx Tram project sits within the heart of the estuary growth corridor. Infrastructure like this will make a huge difference to the way people travel between North Kent & South Essex in the future.

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